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As part of the Research Coordination Network (RCN) development, a main goal of ISROC is to help people working on Coastal Boulder Deposits (CBD) coordinate work, share data, set standards and goals for the future, and train the next generation of CBD researchers. We are pleased to announce applications are now open for the ISROC Travel Fund to support exchange, networking, or training of CBD researchers at all levels.
The ISROC Travel Fund
These funds are to support getting together for networking, training, or other kinds of research exchanges among ISROC members. They are intended to facilitate activities that relate to building a network and training researchers, including students, and can be used to cover travel, lodging, and food. Applicants traveling for ISROC Working Group business are welcomed. Funds from this program may not support independent, individual research projects of the participants.
ISROC can defray reasonable costs (usually up to $4,000USD) for an approved visit. . Under special circumstances, a higher amount may be offered to support the travel of a researcher dealing with hardship, or from a low-income country, and/or for travel to/from a remote location. Please contact the ISROC team if you have questions about any of the funding details.
The ISROC Conference Fund
We will soon open applications for the “ISROC Conference Fund” to support researchers to attend and present in ISROC organised conference sessions and workshops. Details will be sent to all ISROC members on the mailing list.
To join ISROC, please visit and follow instructions.
Eligibility and Conditions
Both host and visitor must be current ISROC members. If we have more applications than we can fund, we will give priority to individuals and groups who have demonstrated strong engagement with the work of ISROC.
Although people in any country can apply for funding, the travel must have a US component. This restriction is imposed by the conditions of our National Science Foundation grant. ISROC members within the US can apply to travel to any other ISROC-involved research group; but those members outside the US are eligible for this funding only if the host is within the US and Territories. NSF-allowed international expenses are:
Travel expenses for US scientists and students participating in exchange visits related to CBD education and networking;
Expenses for international partners to participate in CBD- -related networking activities while in the US; or
Expenses for US participants to conduct networking activities in an international partner's home laboratory.
All ISROC members are eligible for this fund, but because the program does not have unlimited funds, we must prioritize funding applications. Our current priorities are :. These may be updated throughout the duration of the funding:
1. Graduate Student Researchers learning new techniques in cross-disciplinary collaborations or working on ISROC tasks.
2. Early Career Researchers, defined as postdoctoral researcher to assistant professor, or equivalent.
3. Established Researchers, defined as Associate Professor and above.
Within these groups, we will give priority to members of underrepresented groups or those who can demonstrate that they have no other access to funding. ISROC Travel Fund recipients are required to submit a short (1 page) report of the activity after the trip to report on outcomes of the exchange/networking/training. Recipients should also acknowledge NSF and ISROC in any presentation and/or publication arising from the sponsored activity.
To Apply
Please provide:
A one-page description of the proposed travel, describing the plan and expected outcomes for your education/career, and how they relate to ISROC goals and activities. If appropriate, include any previous contributions to ISROC working groups. Specific and detailed descriptions will be more compelling.
(For exchanges) An official, signed, letter from the host researcher/institution agreeing to the visit and stating that they have the facilities/availability to host the visitor.
Short format CV of the applicant (three page maximum).
Tentative schedule and budget, clearly specifying the requested amount, and including confirmation that the applicant will be able to meet any costs not covered by ISROC funding, or specifying special circumstance that ISROC should consider to provide additional support (if you request over $4,000 USD).
Please combine all parts into one pdf and submit to with the subject “ISROC Travel Fund Application (your name)”.
You can apply for this fund at any time throughout the year. We request that members submit their applications by the following deadlines:
Application deadline For proposed travel in/after
July 31st 2023 October 2023
October 31st 2023 January 2023
January 31st 2024 April 2024
April 30th 2024 July 2024
Travel activities in August-September 2023 may be supported, please get in touch with us soon.
Applications will be reviewed by the ISROC leadership team.
Normally, ISROC will reimburse researchers after the trip for their allowable expenses but, particularly for students, it is possible in some cases for ISROC to pay expenses directly.
What can be reimbursed? Travel, lodging, meals.
What cannot be reimbursed? Salaries, honorariums, equipment, supplies, software, etc. No NSF funds are ever allowed to be used to purchase alcohol.
NSF requires grant-funded flights from many countries to be on a US Flag Air Carrier, or code-share. The full details may be found at Some countries that have ‘Open Skies’ agreements with the US are exempt from this policy: see Be very careful with flights, as we have had people experience reimbursement issues in the past when taking non-US Flag Air Carriers.
Visas and Immigration
Although ISROC can provide a letter stating that the travel is for an ISROC-related purpose, travellers and hosts must ensure that all appropriate regulations are followed to obtain travel visas, which may require lead times of several months depending on the country of origin. Please check requirements, and give enough time for visa approval.
Please send any questions to
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