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ISROC is pleased to announce the initiation of the Global Dataset Project for Coastal Boulder Deposits. The end goal is to compile freely available datasets for use by the global research community. This will enable new analyses of coastal boulders as they relate to climate, storms, and seismic history. The database will apply ISROC data formats to existing and future studies to generate the first consistent global dataset of known Coastal Boulder Deposits.
With this in mind, ISROC requests submissions of Coastal Boulder Deposit datasets for translation into ISROC formats and inclusion into the Global Dataset. Both previously published and unpublished datasets are suitable for inclusion. With an aim to keep effort as low as possible for ISROC researchers, much of the translation of data to ISROC formats will be performed by student members.
It is the goal of ISROC to both compile the dataset (which will be updated periodically) and to disseminate results widely in publications and presentations at professional meetings. All data contributors, dataset translators, and archivists will be credited as part of the project.
Datasets in any reasonable format may be sent as attachments to with the subject line Global Datset Project. Any publications associated with these data should also be sent as attachments. Similarly, comments and questions about the Global Dataset Project may be sent to
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