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The Inundation Signatures on Rocky Coastlines (ISROC) Research Coordination Network ( is pleased to announce its first student field camp. This will be held at the University of the Virgin Islands, on the spectacular island of St. Croix, May 27-30, 2024. This opportunity is aimed at students with interests in signatures of coastal inundation and high-energy wave events, particularly for Coastal Boulder Deposits.
ISROC will cover the cost of economy-class transportation to St. Croix (up to a maximum of $2000US). Accommodation (in University residence halls) as well as all meals (in the campus cafeteria) will also be covered while at the school.
We invite applications from graduate students and upper-level undergraduates. Preference will be given to students with active research on some aspect of coastal boulder deposits, rocky shore geomorphology, or extreme coastal wave or tsunami events. We will also take care to achieve diversity in our student cohort.
The school will be led by ISROC PIs Andrew Kennedy, Greg Guannel and Ronadh Cox. Field work will feature guided exploration of rocky coast dynamics, including examination of cobble beach dynamics, coastal boulder deposits, shore platform geomorphology (including karst development), bluff erosion, differential weathering, wave climate, tsunami signatures, remains of coastal infrastructure, mechanical erosion, and boulder transport. Classroom activities will involve analysis of field data, including photogrammetric model construction and analysis.
If you are an interested student, please apply! If you are a PI with an eligible student, please pass this email on to them!
Students should submit a one page maximum application in pdf format describing their interest and background in the subjects studied, thesis or dissertation topics (for graduate students) or future plans (for upper level undergraduate students). All applications and questions should be sent to Applicants should additionally register with the ISROC network, with membership form links found on the main ISROC page at
The initial deadline for applications will be December 1, with selections early in 2024.
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