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ISROC is pleased to announce that the first set of Data Standards for Coastal Boulder Deposits is now available. These standards are intended to enable data taken by different investigators at different times to be compiled into a common format and examined as a whole. Data standards include nomenclature, descriptions, and electronic formats. Work on the standards was led by Max Engel and Nobuhito Mori, with key inputs from many ISROC members.
In addition to the definition of data categories, sample Excel spreadsheets are available to allow the data to be entered in a format that may be easily machine-read for multi-dataset analyses. Cross-platform conversion tools (e.g. Excel to netcdf) are under active development.
Version 0.9 of the standard is now available at (Data Standards Explanatory Notes V0.9), (Example unfilled Excel Sheet), and (Example filled Excel Sheet). These templates are available for download and use by all ISROC members, and will be extended for future use as required, New projects making use of these standards may use as many or as few of the categories as needed; it is likely that no project will ever use all categories.
Comments and questions about the database should be sent to
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