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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Kennedy

ISROC Research Coordination Network Funded by NSF

Updated: Aug 24, 2021

The Inundation Signatures on Rocky Coastlines (ISROC) Research Coordination Network has been funded by the National Science Foundation for a five year term. ISROC's purpose is to bring together researchers on Coastal Boulder Deposits to help bring common standards to the field, train the next generation of researchers, and stimulate work across different research groups and even outside disciplines. The Steering Committee consists of:

PI: Andrew Kennedy

Co-PI: Melissa Berke

Co-PI: Ronadh Cox

Co-PI: Greg Guannel

Boulder Data Lead: Max Engel

Publications Lead: A.Y. Annie Lau

Wave Data Lead: Nobuhito Mori

ISROC will offer many opportunities for collaboration and training over its five year term, with announcements to follow. The NSF Award Abstract describing the project is:

Coastal boulder deposits (CBD) are signatures of extreme marine inundation found on many rocky shorelines worldwide. However, their interpretation remains contentious, with debate extending to whether clasts were deposited by storm waves or tsunamis, and the immediate implications for risk and planning. Reconstruction of the hydrodynamic conditions and climatology leading to CBD generation has even greater uncertainty. Nevertheless, these long-lived deposits provide what are sometimes the only records of historic and prehistoric inundation, so reconstructions have direct application to understanding past and present conditions, and high predictive value for future inundation regimes. Here, the Inundation Signatures on Rocky Coastlines (ISROC) Research Coordination Network is proposed to (1) Define the overall CBD problem chain and associated research gaps by developing a network of researchers from different disciplines, locations, and backgrounds; (2) Extend and train the community of researchers, in particular to include groups underrepresented in STEM at locations where CBDs are found; (3) Develop CBD disciplinary standards for gathering and archiving data; (4) Develop and implement cyberinfrastructure for researchers to upload, visualize, and analyze CBD data; and (5) Create opportunities for cross-disciplinary, in-person, and online collaboration and exchange.

More information may be found at the NSF website:

ISROC is actively soliciting members, who may join free of charge. As ISROC activities increase, members will have access to educational activities, quality-controlled data, exchanges and workshops, and the opportunity to grow the field and influence its directions.

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